Mitchell Realty Services, Inc.

For Some Frequently Asked Questions - Mitchell Realty Services, Inc. Gainesville, FL


Application Process

We receive a lot of inquiries regarding applying for properties and scheduling a tour.  Here are steps to help you in our process.

Have you ever heard of the phrase “Site Unseen?”  Imagine going on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, you respond to a rental ad and the response is, “Please apply and send me $25 application fee.”  Next response is “You are approved, send me $1,200 for Rent and $1,200 for the security deposit.”  Now you are asking, “How do we get the keys?”  “Why are there people still living here, I am supposed to be moving in!!!”  This is what happens when you don’t see a property in person with the person advertising it or with a rental management office.  Protect yourself and do not send money without seeing the property.  This also gives you the opportunity to know if the area meets your needs and expectations.

  1. Search Our Rentals – This page will show you everything currently available or coming available.
  2. Schedule a Tour – We have arranged appointments based upon location and if the property is occupied. Even though by Florida Law we only have to give a 12-hour Notice to Enter, we try to cooperate and give either a 24-Hour Notice or schedule a set appointment each week for the same day and time.  Keep in mind, our tours can be in-person or virtually with a Zoom call.
  3. Apply – After touring our property either in-person or virtually, we welcome you to apply. Our application fee is $50 per adult (over the age of 18).  This fee is Non-Refundable and this is why we have the expectation to show you the property first, this way you know what you are applying for.  Once you have applied, you can either e-mail supporting documents to our office or call us for a link to our Google Drive.


Approval Process

Now that you have submitted your application and supporting documents, it is our turn.  We will process your application to receive back a report that will give us the following information:

  • Rental History (along with USPS addresses)
  • Eviction History (if you have an eviction and was issued a “Writ of Possession” know the application will be denied)
  • Criminal History – A Felony Conviction for any of the following are subject to be denied:
    • Violent Offender
    • Drug Offender
    • Sex Offender
  • Income/Employment – We do require 3 times the rental amount (Rent $800 / Monthly Income $2,400 (Avg of $13.85/per hour @ 40-Hours/per week)
    • If you are with a Housing Authority program, your voucher must be equal to 1 months rent and you must have an income of 2 times the rental amount (Avg of $9.24/per hour @ 40-Hours/per week)
    • Why do we require this? Think about how much your rent is.  Now how much is your utility expenses (electric, water, trash, cable, internet, phone, etc.), food expenses, car payment, car insurance, health insurance, or any other general spending.
  • Credit Score – We receive two scores, one is the AI Score which is your overall credit rating based upon what is returned on your application report. The second score is your actual credit score.  The security deposit is primarily based upon the actual credit score.
    • Credit Score of 620 or higher will require a security deposit equal to one months rent (due on or before move-in)
    • Credit Score of 520-619 will require a security deposit equal to two months rent (due on or before move-in)
  • Once you are approved, we will discuss move-in dates and prepare the lease. We will send you the lease electronically or you can come to our office in person.  Upon signing the lease, you will have 48-hours to pay the first months rent to secure the lease and for us to remove the rental listing from the market.  This is non-refundable as it is collected as rent and we have now made the property unavailable.
  • After lease and payment are secured, you will then contact Gainesville Regional Utilities to schedule your services to be activated.


Move In Process

It is getting close to your move-in date, what’s next? 

  • First, make sure you have scheduled Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU). You will need to supply our office the confirmation from GRU either via e-mail or in-person.
  • Will you live somewhere that requires a parking decal?  Click Here
  • Second, have you made your payment for the Security Deposit? If you have not and the move-in date is within 7-14 days, we may expect you to pay with certified funds vs. check or online payment.  If you have paid online and we know the banks are communicating, we may accept this payment option.
  • Last Step, pick up your keys and move-in checklist. Your keys are available between 12pm-5pm on the day of move-in.  If you are moving in either after-hours or over the weekend, please call us to arrange a lockbox.  You will receive a key to the rental and if we manage the mailbox.  If we do not manage the mailbox, you will need to take your lease to USPS and pay a $25 fee for USPS to replace the lock and key.
  • The Move-In Checklist is due within 7-Days of Move-In. This is for you to make record of any cosmetic items or damage.  This is what we use when you move-out.  If there are items that can be repaired, we will create a work order.


During Residency Process/Maintenance

You have a work order, please log into the portal and create a work order.  This will be issued to our maintenance team.  If you do not need to be home for them to do their job, they will contact you to let you know when they will entering during normal business hours.  If you need to be home for them to do their job, they will make an appointment during normal business hours.

You are all moved-in and you have a maintenance emergency.

  1. Log into your portal and create a work order.
  2. Call Mitchell Realty Services, Inc. to let us know there is an emergency (352) 374-8579.
    1. If we do not answer, leave a voicemail. Calling multiple times will not accomplish anything, we may be on the other line or unavailable to answer at that exact moment.  Voicemails we can respond to quicker.
  3. What constitutes a maintenance emergency, glad you asked…
    1. Gas Leaks – Did you know natural gas has an element added as a deodorant? It is called Mercaptan, this is a organic gas composed of carbon, hydrogen and sulfur.  This creates a strong odor that resembles garlic, rotting cabbage or rotting egg.  First thing you do here is leave the property and call GRU (352) 334-3434 to report the leak or odor.
    2. Water Leaks – Is the water spilling onto the floor, is it going to cause damage? If you know where your meter is and have a wrench, turn it off.  This way it will help slow down the potential damage and increased water bill.  (If there is a large increase, you can submit the repair invoices to GRU for them to make an adjustment).  Start drying up the water to help.
    3. HVAC - Even though we are in Florida, Heaters are considered an emergency item. If the outside temperature is to be 55 degrees for more than 4 hours.  Despite common beliefs, Florida Law does not require that the landlord provide air conditioning or repairs to any add-on appliances on properties.
    4. Plumbing – Sewage Backups – Keep in mind, what you put in the drains or toilets are 99% of the cause. If you flush and have created a backup due to excess toilet paper or have flushed “flushable wipes,” (by the way, they are not flushable), or other items down the toilet that don’t belong there.  (Note: Newer toilets have a dual flush, press one time for liquids, hold down for solids)  If you have two toilets in the home, please know the work order will be addressed the next business day.  If you have one toilet it will be considered an emergency.  Grease is to not be placed down the drain, pour grease in an old coffee container or something you can dispose of.  If you have a garbage disposal, know you are to run the water while using the disposal and do not dispose of coffee grounds, pasta, rice or bread, animal bones, nuts or shells, pits or seeds, onion layers, egg shells, fibrous or stringy fruits and vegetables, potato peels, grease, oil or fat, or non-food materials.
    5. Fallen Tree on Home or Blocking Driveway
    6. Sparking Electrical Outlets (turn off breaker)
  4. What is considered a non-emergency?
    1. No Hot Water or Pressure (try resetting water heater, there is a red button in the side panel or making sure the pilot is lit if you have gas)
    2. Refrigerator not cooling; please perishable items in a cooler with ice and unplug the refrigerator for upto 4-hours. If the unit is frozen this will allow it to defrost.  If there is no power, check the breaker or make sure it is not plugged into a GFCI (plug with reset button).
    3. Tripped breakers or fuses, check the breakers, make sure to turn off the tripped breaker fully and then turn back on. If you have no power, check with GRU first to make sure there is not an outage in your area.
    4. Dishwasher, Stove, Disposal, Microwave, washing machine or dryer.
    5. Dripping faucet
    6. Neighbor nuisance (call the non-emergency line for local law enforcement and file a complaint, this way we have documentation from law enforcement)
    7. Lock Outs After Hours – We recommend contacting a mobile locksmith company. They can verify via our office that you are the tenant.  If this occurs during business hours, visit our office to obtain a spare key for $5.00.  If you lose your mailbox key, you will be responsible for the cost of replacement and labor.  If you replace the locks, you are responsible for providing a key to the office.
    8. Any other general maintenance.


 You want to pay your rent, we have a few options.

  • Log into your portal, create a payment account using your routing and account number from your bank. This is considered an e-check and can take 5-7 business days to clear your account just like a written check.
  • RentMoney – Use your debit card or cash to pay your rent at Walmart and other participating merchants. You will need to contact us for the voucher, this has an account number that corresponds with your ledger.
  • Drop off a check, money order, cashiers check in our dropbox.
  • Mail a check, money order or cashiers check


Have you changed your contact information, phone number or e-mail address?  You can log into the portal to update this information.  Know the e-mail address will become your username when you change it online.

Thinking about introducing a pet to the residence?  Unfortunately, due to the insurance maintained by the property owner and our office, we can not allow pets on properties.  This includes unapproved emotional support animals.  If you have an Emotional Support Animal, there is a process to request “Reasonable Accommodation.”  According to the ADA, emotional support, therapy, comfort or companion animals are not considered “Service Animals.”  They are described to provide comfort just by being with a person.  They have not been trained to perform a specific job or task, they do not qualify as “Service Animals” under the ADA.  Under the ADA, a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.  The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability.  Under local animal control or public health requirements, a “Service Animal” is still required to abide by vaccination and licensing law.


When it is not obvious what service an animal provides, only limited inquiries are allowed. We may ask two questions:

  • Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? (Do Not ask what the disability is!)
  • What work or task is the dog trained to perform?


It is time to start talking about renewals and notice to vacate…  We do ask for a minimum of 60-days to give notice of vacating the property.  This will allow us the proper timeline to have the property on the rental market and have tours prior to your departure and secure a lease.  We normally offer renewals 90-days prior to the lease expiration.  This will be a renewal rate either with a small increase or no increase.  Know that if you do not accept the renewal within the expiration date, the rates may increase based upon market value for a new lease.  A Notice of Non-Renewal can also be given by the landlord without any reason.  This will be given within 90-120 days of lease expiration.


Moving Out Process

It is coming up on your move-out date, what’s next?  Here is a list to assist you with your move-out, we want to help keep it all smooth.  If we do not have to do any cleaning or repairs behind you, the security deposit will be processed quicker (within 15-days). If we must go behind you, there will be charges paid and collected from your security deposit.  We will send a Claim Form certified USPS along with any remainder refundable, if any within 30-Days.

Cleaning – We are looking at Floors (Carpets must be professionally cleaned by a company), Walls, Ceilings, Fans, Light Fixtures, Doors, Windows, Screens, Blinds, Closets

  • Entry/Hall/Living Room
  • Bedroom(s)
  • Bathroom(s)
  • Kitchen (Dishwasher, Stove/Oven (Interior/Exterior including underneath and behind), Refrigerator (Interior/Exterior including underneath and behind), Cabinets (Wipe and Vacuum Drawers & Cabinets)
  • Dining Room
  • HVAC & Water Heater Closet
  • Laundry Room including Washing Machine & Dryer (Lint Trap) if included
  • Patio, Deck & Yard (Do not leave anything behind)

Maintenance - (Replace or Repair any Damaged/Missing Light Bulbs, Fixtures, Face Plates, Blinds, Windows, Locks/Handles)

  • Entry/Hall/Living Room
  • Bedroom(s)
  • Bathroom(s)
  • Kitchen (Note: Replace Drip Pans (Avg. $20 for a set), Vent Filter (Avg. $15) and Bulb on Range Hood)
  • Dining Room
  • AC Filter
  • Smoke Detectors and/or Carbon Monoxide Detectors must be in place
  • Fire Extinguisher must be present
  • Mow the yard if it is your responsibility


Need some preferred vendors:

Housekeeping: K&L Janitorial (352) 870-9191

Carpet Cleaning: (352) 495-3982

Painting: Maximum Painting & Repair: (352) 443-5575


  • Call GRU, Cable/Internet and any other utility you may have. Keep in mind the Power must remain on for 3-Days past the move-out date to properly inspect the property.  If the power is not kept on per the lease, you may be charged a turn on fee plus the 3-Days of service.


  • Don’t forget to update your mailing address with USPS and any online subscriptions (ie. Amazon, Meal Prep Subscriptions, etc.)
  • If you were given a key by our office, it must be returned.

Key Turn-In Form

  • We have both an electronic and paper Key Turn-In Form. This is where you will tell us the turn-off date for utilities, forwarding address, any changes to phone numbers, along with how many keys, keyfobs, remotes have been returned.

What Happens After I Move Out?

  • We will now complete our inspection documented by photos and lists.
  • We will schedule any cleaning and any repairs subject to your vacating
  • If you have carpet, you will be required to supply a receipt from a professional carpet cleaning company per your lease terms. If you have not, know you are subject to a carpet cleaning fee.
  • We will create any refunds that do not have any charges within 15-Days of move-out. These can be picked up or mailed certified via USPS.  If there are roommates, please agree via e-mail to our office to assign one as a liaison or the check will be made payable to all.
  • If there are any charges to be collected for cleaning or repairs, we will create a Security Deposit Claim Form, we will supply you with documentation and will mail this certified via USPS within 30-Days of move-out.

We hope these points answer some of your questions.  If you feel we have missed something or have any questions, please contact us.  We appreciate your feedback.